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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

You might notice...

You might notice that occasionally a new song gets added to the writing playlist attached to this blog...any song added to this list is either something that I found that inspired me and/or may have had a cameo or vague allusion in Induction...so keep your eyes peeled.  I just finished writing a long awaited scene for Induction which led to some new additions.

We are also going to be having a contest soon with the publishing house to win an ebook copy of Convergence, so keep your eyes peeled for news.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Career Day at Illini Bluffs

I've been invited to visit Illini Bluffs Middle School in Glasford, IL Friday, May 13th to take part in their Career Day. The eighth grade English classes expressed an interest in having a writer at the event, and a friend of a friend suggested me. I've been working on making up a little brochure to hand out to the kids with tips on writing and a few website resources they can utilize to get more information and support.  I'm really excited to go and work with kids again.  It's been mentioned a few places online, but I actually trained to be an elementary school teacher, but timing and lack of jobs resulted in me not getting a full time classroom so I worked as a sub, and then when my son came along I opted to stay home with him.  I'm looking forward to getting back into a school in an educator role again, instead of the Mom role I've had of late.  This is an event solely for the middle school children in the district, but I still wanted to share as I'm looking forward to it.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Love in the the Air

      On a family field trip to the local Zoo this week, it became readily apparent that Spring has arrived and LOVE is in the air...especially in the case of the lions and the turtles who shared a nice little teaching experience about the birds and the bees. (Cue blushing mom and grandma and giggling niece. My nephew and son were too busy watching the zebras run and play and my two year old thought that the lions were cuddling. LOL)
      Love is also in the air as I push toward finishing my first draft of book 2 of the Children of Creation series, Induction.  We're going to see a lot of development of the relationship between Nate and Dani in this book, so I hope my readers are ready for the ride.  :)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Life In Progress

Somewhere between Angel novels and carpool is the rest of my regular life.  Yesterday's big accomplishment of the day...buying new tires for the minivan.  I managed to get Michelin's with that new run flat technology.  You can drive up to 50 miles with zero air pressure at speeds 55 mph or less.  Thanks to the $70 rebate, I got them cheaper than the Bridgestones and only $25 more than the bargain tires with far lower life expectancy and no run flat capability.  I'm chuckling at myself now because I feel something akin to winning a prize. LOL.  I guess this is a sign that I'm finally growing up.

My days right now are filled with my bottomless pit of a two year old constantly crying "I hungry," and my five year old son at my side 90% of the time with a story to share, and yet somehow I've managed to reach the halfway point for Induction this week.  Thank goodness for bedtimes...that's all I can say.  I'm on track now to make my deadlines to begin editing at the end of May. :)

See you around, my friends.

J.D. Watts :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Signing Date Confirmed

After being in the works for several months, we now have a definitive date for my book signing at Trinity Presbyterian Church.  They will be hosting a signing at 4400 S Airport Rd, Bartonville, Il on Saturday May 14th from 2-4pm.  There will be cookies and coffee available for those who come.  I will do a small reading at 2 before we begin the signing.  Three dollars from every copy sold will go to the church's Missions fund.  Please stop by if you're in the area.  The more the merrier!


Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Well, I decided it was probably time to start a blog to keep in contact with those of you who might be interested in subscribing (plus the new author pages and goodreads have the option of linking a blog, so I figured why not...lol).  I had a lot of fun crafting this page tonight, including an exclusive peek into some of the songs that litter my writing soundtrack, and one of these songs is going to make a tiny vague little cameo in Induction, book 2 of the Children of Creation series.  Can you guess?  I'd love to see if you figure it out, but I'm sorry, no leaks on this one ;)  I hope you enjoy the blog and with any luck I can drop in here a couple of times a week and keep you up to date on what's going on in my little corner of the world.  

I'm actually taking a writing break tonight, as my left hand has been feeling a big achy and I don't want any carpal tunnel flare ups while working on getting Induction done in time for my deadline to begin editing.  P.S. I'm a little over half way there now.

Okay, I'm off to rest my hand now and hopefully you'll hear more from me in the near future.  Thanks for taking the time to stop in and check things out.