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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Podcast Inteview

I had the great opportunity to slide up to my computer and have a great interview via Skype with the ladies from the Mystical Lit Lounge last Wednesday.  We had a really great time talking about Convergence and how I got involved in writing.  I was sweating bullets leading up to it and dealing with the technical difficulties, but thankfully we solved the issues and got a chance to hop right in.  It was a blast!  Go check it out!!!


In other news between being busy with RL, my interview mid-week last week, and my fun little weekend of fighting off a bug which right now is manifesting itself as a fever of 102, I haven't made any progress on Induction this week :(  I'm not freaking out though.  I still have several weeks before deadline, so I'm taking a deep breath, chugging a gallon of Chicken Noodle Soup, and hoping that I'll be wrapping it up very soon.  I'm so close I can taste it, now I just need for life to take a chill pill so I can get it all down.  Considering I have a birthday party to plan for my Kindergartener later this month, I'm guessing that time will be hard to find, but I'll make it :)  Thanks for taking time to read up on happenings here and I hope you take some time to checkout the interview!!!
